4 /5
In and around the Wuppertaler Luisenviertel there are now 30 to 40 restaurants Bistros Cafes Lounges Kneipen Eiscafes Pizzerien Weinbars System Gastronomy and all possible gastronomic establishments. A gastronomy that offers everything from sushi to food from Hawaii, Italy, Spain, Mexico, Eco and Vegan Food. A mix for all different requirements, for small and large purses. From snack on hand, snack, to the 7 gear tasting menu. Only dinate extensively on a beer, on a wine or 2.5 hours. Our favourite is Cafe Bar Luise, simply called LUISE by the way. Some pub, some cafe, some wine bar, something to chill, hang, meet friends or get to know new friends Or just after a good dinner, drink one, two...