Table reservation Leibnitz

Free table reservation for Restaurants in Leibnitz



Haselbrunn 7, 8430 Leibnitz, Austria

österreichisch, Fleisch, Andere, Barren, Salate

"The Weingut Kieslinger is the most recognized Buschenschank (wine tavern) of the Styrian Tuscany, this very special region known for its great and awarded wines and its rolling hills just outside of Graz to the south, direction Adriatic Sea. The Kieslinger is an institution and well known to many Grazer and far beyond for its panoramic view on the hilltop and of course its special ambience and its very delicious food and wines. You can have a seat in the patio located in the vineyard right next to the growing wine grapes and enjoy this very special scenery over the rolling hills of the Styrian Tuscany and on clear days you can even see the mountains on the border to Slovenia. Here at the Kieslinger you get excellent quality for your money but its pricy as it is a main touristic spot. So you also pay for the brand and the special location of the Kieslinger. This is to be considered when you visit the Kieslinger. We had the Styrian Bug Bean Salad (Käferbohnensalat) with Styrian Pumpkin Seed Oil (Steirisches Kürbiskernöl), this awarded black oil, exported to many countries around the world together with a Belegtes Brot and Kürbisaufstrichbrot for instance (breads with ham, and with all sorts of spreads like Pumpkin Cream Spread). Oh the variety is quite big. You also can get a very fine Brettljause here, but it is a bigger portion than the Belegte Brot. All dishes here are super-delicious and very special in taste. By the way to the other side of the hill, to be specific on the hilltop of the next hill you have in sight when looking onto the vineyards there is the house Thomas Muster bought, this world class Austrian Tennis player from the 90ies who is from this particular region. From Southern Styria with love! Dr. Dr. Immanuel Fruhmann"